Memcached is a commonly used distributed memory object caching platform, which can enhance the loading speed and the performance of your Internet sites significantly in case they use a database or an API. This is achieved by caching the requests to the database/API and the replies that are delivered, so when a user searches for a certain product on your Internet site, for example, the database won’t have to be accessed to display the results and the entire operation will be executed notably faster. That goes for all sorts of database-powered apps and not only for online shops, since anytime a specific web page is accessed, the application sends a request to its database to fetch the data that should be shown. With Memcached, not only will your website open considerably faster, but it will also create much less server load. If any content in the database is changed, the cached responses will also be updated, so the visitors won’t see any old information.

Memcached in Shared Web Hosting

You can take advantage of the Memcached data caching system with all shared web hosting that we’re offering. It is offered as an optional upgrade, which you can get with just a few clicks of the mouse through your Hepsia website hosting Control Panel. It needs a PHP extension, which is pre-installed on our cloud hosting platform, so you can begin using Memcached as soon as you add it. The upgrade is subdivided into two parts, which will give you more versatility depending on the Internet sites that you’d like to use it for. The first one reveals the number of the sites that will use Memcached, or the ‘instances’, while the second one refers to the memory, i.e. to how much content Memcached will be able to cache. You can add more system memory in increments of 16 MB and the more memory you have ordered, the more data will be cached, which may be a pretty good idea for heavy-traffic websites with very large databases and many visitors. In this way, you can improve the loading speed of any script-driven Internet site hosted on our servers without any effort.